Grid Formatting

The Grid Format functions enable the customization of the look and feel of the grid visual. Using a combination of formatting functions, users have a lot of control over how the grid will look, and what information the reader's attention should be drawn to.

The functions available here are:

Grid Borders: customize the grid's borders, including border color and width.

Grid Design: review the different grid designs (matrix mode, flat mode, flat matrix, and accounting).

Grid Font:customize the grid font.

Grid Sizing: change grid row and column size as needed.

Alternate Rows: display every other row in a different shade, to easily differentiate between rows.

Mini Map: focus in on a given area of a grid, making it easier to navigate data in large grids.

Grid Padding: add padding to all cells in the grid (including data cells and grid and row header cells).

Scale to Fit: scale a large grid down to fit it to the canvas size.

Alignment: position the grid on a given area of the canvas.

Headers: customize row and column headers.

Expand Icons: enable or disable expand and collapse icons.

Readability: override Pyramid's readability logic to enable a broader combination of background and foreground (text) colors.

Extended Grid Formatting: the extended grid formatting functions are grouped under the Format All section of the Component ribbon; these functions enable editing of the grid design, row, column, or data design, or contextual formatting (based on an active selection from the grid).